Online Forms

At Veterinary Behavior Consultants, we offer patient forms online so you can complete them in the convenience of your own home or office. E-mail or Fax us your printed and completed forms AND please bring the originals to your visit.

Downloadable Documents

VBC New Client Intake Forms Fillable Version

ALL owners of pets with behavior problems please download the above file (in Word Document format) and fill out as completely as possible and then return to us (e-mail preferred) so that we can make you a new patient appointment. You are welcome to write up additional information in a narrative or other format but please be sure you also fill out our history form. Please be clear, concise and descriptive when filling out all forms.

*Clients with bird behavior problems please contact us for a “bird specific” history form.*

VBC Ritualistic Behavior History Forms

Please only use the above additional “ritualistic behavior” forms for appropriate cases that exhibit ritualistic/repetitive/OCD/Stereotypic problem behaviors (such as chasing lights & reflections, excessively grooming, snapping at invisible flies, etc.). NOT FOR MOST OWNERS WITH OTHER BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS. Please download this Microsoft Word File and fill out and return IN ADDITION to general client history forms & directions above. If you are not sure if you should also fill out this form ask staff when you book your appointment or e-mail us.